Picture Feat : Students from Sesheke High School, Western Province Zambia.
A generation can be described as a group of contemparies : all of the people who were born at approximately the same time, considered as a group, and especially when considered as having shared interests and attitudes. For example, a younger generation.
Africa has been dominated by traits ( characters ) of the old generation of which we point in the times of Bantu Migrations for a long time. The traits of the old generation are still vivid today albeit they are fading due to education and civilization. One of the most common traits is greed for power , selfishness and inhumanity. A good example can be traced back to the generation of Shaka The Zulu.
1. Greed for power and become rich on the expense of the people.
2. Limiting benefits, profits and privileges to a defined group of people based on race or belief etc.
3. Violence and corruption.
There are so many things to mention that ascribe to the old generation. It is not so surprising that we see some of these traits today especially corruption. However , it is an insult to see such traits in the African New Generation.
We believe in the New Generation which takes humanity first before any other segment of life. It is so amazing to be part of that prefers peace amidst any negotiation or agreement. A corruption free generation whose leaders mask their interest to put forth the people's interest. That which supports and shares for the benefit of the community.
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A great inspirational generation.